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  • Writer's pictureGolden Phoenix

Four Must-Have Snacks for Diabetic Patients

Making a list of snacks can be exceptionally challenging especially when you are diagnosed with diabetes. After all, the blood sugar levels in your body are at stake and choosing an unhealthy snack can make your condition even worse. According to most doctors, a well maintained and balanced diabetic diet chart can help the patient to regulate the blood sugar levels and bring it back to normal. This includes consuming the right snacks and authentic Indian food recipes that are rich in healthy fats, fiber and protein.

With that being said, take a look at this list that unravels some of the essential snacks to add to your diet chart during diabetes:

Boiled Eggs

When it comes to having snacks while suffering from diabetes, hard-boiled eggs make a great choice. Popular as a healthy breakfast in many countries, the nutritional value in boiled eggs makes it one of the best snacks to have during diabetes, as it restricts the blood sugar levels from increasing massively after you eat. Besides, eggs are also known for their filling nature, which comes in handy for patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is mainly linked to obesity and gaining excessive weight that leads to several heart problems.

Yogurt with Fresh Berries

Yogurt with fresh berries

Having fresh berries with yogurt cream is one of the healthiest snack people can have during their diabetes. Being a diabetes-friendly food, this snack has a lot of health benefits and often serves as a major ingredient for preparing Bihari recipes. Berries are known for keeping the pancreas healthy and reduce inflammation, owing to their antioxidant qualities. It prevents any sort of damage to the pancreatic cells, allowing the organ to secrete hormones that have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Yogurt contains probiotics and its consumption can help you in improving your body metabolism when it comes to sugar.


Almonds are the best dry fruit and work as a snack for diabetic patients because of its ability to reduce the blood sugar levels along with insulin sensitivity. Almonds contain essential blood sugar stabilizers such as fiber, healthy fats and protein that are effective in diabetes management. On top of that, numerous studies have proposed the fact that almonds are super healthy foods for heart health due to their ability to lower the cholesterol levels. They are also popular in Indian food recipes and among obese people who are looking for natural weight loss supplements.

Roasted Crunchy Chickpeas

Studies have revealed the fact that routine consumption of chickpeas might have a great role in ceasing the progression of diabetes, owing to their ability of blood sugar management. In another research, it was found that diabetic patients who consumed for chickpeas for a month had significantly controlled their insulin and blood sugar levels in contrast to those who were on a weight-based snack. Chickpeas also form a major ingredient in Bihari recipes that you try for meeting both your taste preferences, as well as, keeping yourself healthy.

Roasted Crunchy Chickpeas

Final Thoughts

While choosing the right and healthy snacks to have during diabetes, you have to keep the blood sugar reducing-effect of the food in mind. Make sure you stick to a healthy diet and pick some the aforementioned snacks to prevent further ill effects of the disease.

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