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  • Writer's pictureGolden Phoenix

A Complete Food Guide for Anemia Patients

Anemia is a condition of the body when the total count of red blood cells takes a dip which results in the inadequate transmission of oxygen to the body muscles and tissues. Needless to say, lack of oxygen will obstruct the body from performing normally and you will experience symptoms such as dizziness, breathing problem, fatigue, headache, cravings, sensitivity to cold and many more. All these symptoms when diagnosed lead to one common conclusion and that is lack of iron in the body.

In order to overcome the iron deficiency in the body, you will need to follow some essential health guidelines while giving a shot to the best Indian food recipes. Before you move to that part, have a look at the recent developments in ultra-modern diagnosis technique of anemia.

With that being said, if you are suffering from anemia or know someone who is anemic, here is a compiled list of essential foods that you need to consume:

Dark Leafy Greens

Spinach and other variants of dark leafy greens are a great source of non-heme, which is highly recommended for anemic patients. Medical professionals suggest the consumption of dark leafy green veggies on a routine basis for the betterment of an anemic condition. You can also try the best vegan Indian food that are predominantly constituted with leafy vegetables.

Organic Soybeans

Buying organic soybeans and including it in your balanced diet will ensure the improvement of your anemic state. Also, organic soybeans tend to be a blessing in disguise for people who prefer a vegan or vegetarian food lifestyle. Being high in protein, the organic soybeans can be served both in your main course menu, as well as, in the snacks.


If you are looking forward to increasing the iron levels in your body, make sure that you have included some natural picks such as quinoa for your balanced diet. Loaded with large proportions of iron, Quinoa is definitely a great variant for Anemic patients.

Nuts and Seeds

One of the most nutrient-filled food elements, nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds and pistachios can be a great source of protein and healthy fats. However, they also have iron-rich variants that make them a must-have in every day’s diet. Moreover, you can try the best vegan Indian food that are prepared with nuts and seeds as the major ingredients.

Blackstrap Molasses

Although an unconventional nutrition fact, Blackstrap Molasses turns out to be an underrated superfood that has sky-high content of iron, making it an ideal addition to the anemic diet chart. Apart from iron, having molasses can provide your body with magnesium, calcium, selenium and vitamin B6. You can have it with a topping of oatmeal or like a smoothie as well. But make sure of the quantity, as it contains a good touch of sweetness.


Being an anemia patient can affect the metabolism of your body in many ways. Therefore, it is important to follow a balanced diet that is fairly focused on the prevention of this health problem. You can pair these food items with the best Indian food recipes and get rid of the anemic condition as soon as possible.

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